Infinitely Awesome WordPress Starter Theme
250+ hours of development over 6 years to build the greatest base for a custom WordPress site. Developed by Generaxion.
Meet Axio
Axio Starter – previously known as Aucor Starter – is the starting point of a handmade WordPress site. It is not a finished product or meant to be used as a parent theme. It is the foundation – not the facade.
Most features are build into modules that include templates, hooks, styles and scripts that are packaged into module’s own directory. They can be removed or added easily.
Block editor
We support the new WordPress Gutenberg editor that is the preferred option for modern WordPress sites. It’s time to stop using bloated third party page builders or settle with bad experience with the old hacky custom made field systems.
Axio uses 8 point grid with always using rem units where it is possible. This ensures that margins, paddings and other sizes are consistent and harmonized.
Theme strings can be translated easily with our helper functions that use Polylang plugin for multilingual WordPress. Polylang is not required and Axio works as well with only one language.
Advanced Custom Fields
Axo includes a few custom blocks build with Advanced Custom Fields Pro and you can easily extend and customize the fields and structure of the blocks through ACF.
This theme works nicely with most plugins like Cookiebot, Gravity Forms, Redirection and Yoast SEO. Our code uses WordPress conventions so plugins are most of the time compatible.

Free as in Freedom
Axio Starter uses the same GNU Public License as WordPress itself. It means you can use, modify and build-upon this theme as you want. You can use it in commercial, personal or non-profit projects. You can use parts of it. You can post issues or send pull requests and contribute on GitHub.